Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tour d'Eiffel

Funny how life seems to go in circles, huh? I climbed the Eiffel Tower with two young, Russian couples. They seemed to warm up to me once I assured them that, in fact, I was NOT a member of the Spetsnaz and that the patch on the camera bag was just "added security". They were from Rostov, which in Russian terms is a hop, skip and a jump from the Saratov Oblast. They seemed genuinely interested in my Russian boys and our story of their adoption.
Anyway, the Eiffel Tower was tres cool. Except for the chaffing of my inner thighs which became all too apparent on the 1500th step or so. Thanks goes out to the wife for making pack my euro-stylish spandex bike shorts. They will come in handy in the morning roaming Pere Lachaise.

1 comment:

  1. Are you a cyclist? Those bike shorts come in handy don't they? Love the shot. I am jealous of your trip... in a good way. lol
